Costco Travel cover story
Another reason to use Costco Travel [“Destination: The world,” February 2023] is for rental cars. I had a rental car company try to bill me for over $1,000 worth of damage to the car after I had dropped it off. Because I rented through Costco, I was able to contact customer support and it was taken care of with no additional hassle on my end. If I had to fight with the car rental company, I don’t think it would have ended as happily.
Sharon Davids, Kirkland, Illinois
Highlighting heart health
I appreciated the article on atrial fibrillation [A-fib; “Getting in rhythm,” February 2023]. I had A-fib for years before I was properly diagnosed. Thankfully, it is now controlled with [medication] and avoidance of my strongest triggers: alcohol, as mentioned in the article; monosodium glutamate (MSG); and aspartame (an artificial sweetener).
Identifying personal triggers and reading labels carefully can help avoid setting off an unexpected bout of this rhythmic disorder.
Ann Puyana, Orlando, Florida
Thank you for spotlighting a very common and potentially lethal heart arrhythmia. After my [fourth heart] attack, my physician suggested that I try a beta-blocker. I have been free of A-fib since starting the medication seven years ago.
Robert Kuske, MD, FAACE, FABS, Scottsdale, Arizona
Making a difference
Thanks, @Costco for promoting #economiccensus in your [February 2023] #costcoconnection issue. Starting today millions of businesses in the U.S. will receive the Econ Census form, helping us [give] a full portrait of the economy.
Sustainable actions
Bravo, Costco, for not only making a sustainability commitment but also for making it easy for customers to remain in the loop about it [“Meeting our goals,” January 2023]. To paraphrase something stated in the article, one step that may seem small really can make a difference.
Beth Glaspie, Essex Junction, Vermont
The correct link for Dr. Swarbrick’s Eight Dimensions of Wellness [Member Poll, January 2023] is cspnj.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Wellness-8-Dimensions.pdf.
Natural Delights Chinese Chicken Salad
This fresh salad is packed with flavor and ready in minutes. View this recipe and others at Costco.com. Search: Quick & Easy and click “Soups & Salads.”
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