© DEAGREEZ, Ольга Погорелова / STOCK.ADOBE.COM
Crazy for Costco
I wanted to share how much I loved the “Crazy for Costco” piece in the [August] edition of the Costco Connection.
It was a blast to read, and it’s the sort of content that I hope to see more of in future editions.
Andrew Pinney, Bothell, Washington
We were members of FedMart, which Sol Price founded. When he left there and started Price Club, we joined. When Price Club merged with Costco and became PriceCostco, we were there ... and again when the Price name was dropped ... and we are still here.
Over the years we have added our children and grandchildren to our membership. If that’s not member mania, it must come close.
We appreciate your business practices and policies and the way you treat your employees.
William Albert, Mesa, Arizona
Bourbon pairing
As a seasoned bourbon drinker, I enjoyed Curtis Adamson’s article on bourbon [“Make a match,” August 2022]. I’ve had the privilege of participating in several educational events about the spirit, and a common recommendation is to add a drop of water to the bourbon as it brings out the fullness of the flavor.
Carolyn Knight, St. George, Utah
Inspirational quotes
Thanks for running the poll “What is your favorite inspirational quote?” in the August issue. I would add American anthropologist Margaret Mead’s “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” My 30 years as a volunteer with Results (results.org) have proven the truth of these words.
Willie Dickerson, Snohomish, Washington
Pet prescription savings
The transfer of pet medicine prescriptions [“Protect your pets,” July] from my vet to my Bakersfield Costco’s pharmacy for my 11-year-old Corgi, Lincoln, has saved me oodles of money. The transfer was so easy, thanks to Cathy, the pharmacy technician. She answered all my questions, used information off the prescription bottles I took in to look up the meds and give the Costco prices, and helped with the prescription transfer from Lincoln’s vet. I even get a text reminder when the prescriptions need refilling and then when they’re ready for pickup.
Jane Urbelz, Bakersfield, California
California Strawberries 2-Ways
Spicy Strawberry Fruit Salad is sure to be the hit of your party. View this recipe and others at Costco.com. Search: Quick & Easy and click “Soups & Salads.”
Do you have a comment about something you read in the Connection? Please send a note, including your full name, phone number and address, to:
EMAIL connection@costco.com
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