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Member Poll
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How do you stay in touch with your childhood friends?

Costco members respond to our poll, posted to Costco's Facebook page

Annual “Golf Camp” with guys I’ve known since we were 8 years old. We’re all now 65+ and have gotten together [for] the last 27 years for a long weekend of golf and barbecue.

Kevin J. Fitzpatrick

I text my friend of 23 years at least weekly to check in and see how she and her family are doing. It’s rare that we get to see each other, but we always pick up right where we left off.

Sharva Pruitt

Does sending funny memes and TikToks to each other count?

Christi Battles Mehringer

Since most of my childhood friends live more than 1,300 miles from me, I like to stay in touch with them via phone calls, emails, texts and handwritten letters. When I am in town, I see them for a meal or social event.

Camille Pimentel

We keep in touch every week through a book club and we will synchronize a Netflix movie night once every few months.

Stephanie Solin

Carrier pigeon.

Kate Ward

Friendship fact

According to the American Psychological Association, an old friend may appreciate you reaching out more than you think.

illustration of a group of women

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How to stay connected

Looking for ways to stay in touch with your childhood friends? Check out the following tips:

  • Watch a show together. Some streaming apps allow users to watch programs at the same time, so you can view your favorite movies and TV series with your friends no matter the distance.
  • Video call a friend for a virtual happy hour. Enjoy a night with friends from the comfort of your couch!
  • Have friends in the area? Check out a new restaurant together, or revisit an old favorite.

Watch for the poll at Or weigh in at, with subject line "Poll."

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