Costco Connection | July | Member Connection | Fancy food photos
A few of Randy Wong's culinary creations.
All Photos © Randy Wong
Fancy food photos
During the pandemic, when his work shut down, Costco member and professional photographer Randy Wong (; @cookit_shootit_eatit) of Pleasanton, California, spent 20 months cooking and photographing the recipes of Michelin-starred chefs he watched on YouTube.
“I would try to re-create theirs, but a lot of times the ingredients [weren’t] available, so [I had] to work with what [I] got,” says Wong, who loves cooking. “So a lot of them are modified. Just like photography, nothing you see is actually original. You [copy] it from somewhere; you put your twist on it.” —Christina Guerrero
Photo ops
Randy Wong began his career as a wedding photographer in the 1980s and eventually moved into commercial photography.
“When I walk into my jobs, I have no idea what I’m going to shoot,” Wong says. “The materials are different—how they reflect light and everything. So food was actually a really easy [subject] compared to some of the stuff I shoot for work.”—CG