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Costco Connection  |  July  |  Up Front  |  Member Comments

man hiking

© Patagonia Run Fotos Adventura

Running man

I much enjoyed the article about Dean Karnazes [“One step at a time,” June 2022]. I ran the North Face Endurance Challenge ultramarathon with Dean in Wisconsin in 2011.

At the end of the race, I asked him to share with me the secret of his amazing abilities and endurance. He looked left, then right, then leaned toward me and said in a conspiratorial tone: “You need to pick the right parents!” My response? “Oops, too late for that!”

Michael R. Davis, Las Cruces, New Mexico

Reading about Dean Karnazes reminds me of the time I walked 55 miles around Lake Washington. My family and friends couldn’t imagine why I would do such a thing. Now I understand how they felt. Run 100 miles? Wow, I can’t imagine that.

David Kim, Medina, Washington

Under pressure

Your May issue had a wonderful article highlighting the importance of reducing high blood pressure by limiting salt intake [“Pressure sensitive”]. What we eat each day can have a profound effect, and there is often more sodium in products than is realized.

I appreciate some of the products available at Costco, like the no-salt-added whole organic chickens, the lower-sodium fresh chicken packages and your low-salt bacon as options.

I hope that you will always continue to carry your low-salt/no-salt alternative products to support your customers [who] are watching their sodium intake.

Gwen Boone, Bozeman, Montana

Sleep apnea issues

In reference to “Snooze alarm” [May 2022], I learned of a simple technique about three years ago that can help with the problem of snoring: using a piece of paper tape to keep my mouth shut when I sleep.

One takes a piece of paper tape (you can find this in any drugstore) about 3 inches or so long and places it just under one’s nose, down over one’s lips to one’s chin. This simple technique has improved my sleep immensely.

Barbara Tansey Bush, Charlestown, Massachusetts

Sample joy

They’re giving out free samples at Costco again ... the world is healing.

shreya, @http_shreya

walnut chicken salad

Kirkland Signature Walnut Chicken Salad

Serve this savory, flavorful dish as a salad, in a sandwich or with your favorite veggies and crackers. View this recipe and others at Search: Quick & Easy and click “Appetizers.”

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