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Costco Connection  |  January  |  Up Front  |  Member Poll 

What changes will you make in 2022?

Costco members respond to our poll, posted to Costco's Facebook page

Drink less alcohol, drink more water. Reduce carb, sugar, fat and sodium intake. Get my mindless eating under control. Save more money. Get a promotion at work. Volunteer more. Make the world a better place. Ya know, just the basics.
Jenny Ou

Make time to relax and not always be on the go. Enjoy things more, [and] do things for myself.
Michelle Godinez

[I want] to buy food for those in need.
Enrique L. Hernandez

Making time for myself and putting myself first, so I feel refreshed and focused.
Sara Brown

I want to push myself ... to apply patience with kindness. I just want to contribute good vibes.
Richard Bates

I will be 100!
Barbara Jean Collins

Go to Costco more.
Kim Wunder

Read more.
J.D. Riprock

I want to live my best life with my family and loved ones in a place of freedom, love and respect for each other!
Kathleen Carrigan

[I plan to] retire January 9, 2022!
Kaye S. Mitchell

Simple steps for self-improvement

Self-improvement doesn’t happen overnight. Check out these effective ways to change your life for the better from

Be consistent.When you make a commitment, stick to it.

Have friends you can talk to.Make sure you have a good support system around you, including people whose opinions you respect.

Help others.Giving to others can give you a sense of purpose and a feeling of contribution, and can also take your mind off your own troubles and worries.

Live in the present.Being mindful of your current circumstances, instead of constantly worrying or stressing about the past or future, can bring about a happier way of life.

Use time wisely.Try something new, whether it’s going on walks, learning new things or meditating. Just make sure it’s something you absolutely love.

Watch for the poll at Or weigh in at, with subject line "Poll."
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