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2 Business Day Delivery when ordered by 12pm noon local time.
No separate delivery fee with 2-Day orders of $75 or more.
No separate delivery fee with 2-Day orders of $75 or more.
Item may be available in your local warehouse, prices may vary.
- Grab a 4 oz Bag of Red Vines Licorice for a Sweet Treat on Movie Night
- Perfect for Parties, Concession Stands, or as an Every Day Snack
- This Soft & Chewy Red Licorice Pairs with Salty Snacks like Popcorn, and Trail Mix
- Share these Licorice Twists as a Sweet Treat with Family, Friends, or Party Guests
This product is expected to be in stock and available for purchase soon. Check back again later.
Product Not Available!
Sorry, the product may be unavailable at the 98027 Delivery Location or at the Seattle warehouse.